Fixed Income Leaders Europe Connect

13 - 14 March 2025

Hilton London Syon Park

Day 1 | 13th March

8:00 am - 8:45 am Conference Registration

8:45 am - 8:50 am Welcome Address: Irene Cerquaglia, Editorial Director, FILS

8:50 am - 9:10 am Chairperson Welcome

9:10 am - 9:40 am Interview: Macro outlook: How are rate hikes, inflation and widening geo-political tensions impacting global bond markets and how can you adapt execution and investment strategies for success?

Christopher Iggo - Chief Investment Officer and Chair of AXA IM Investment Institute, AXA Investment Management

Christopher Iggo

Chief Investment Officer and Chair of AXA IM Investment Institute
AXA Investment Management

9:30 am - 10:00 am Panel Discussion: Next generation trading strategies: How can improved interoperability and collaboration among vendors and trading desks unlock new liquidity opportunities?

Sam Knight - Global Director of e-Trading, Fidelity International Christopher Minck - EMEA Head of Systematic Execution, BlackRock Martin Hendry - Deputy Head of Trading, Liontrust Asset Management

Sam Knight

Global Director of e-Trading
Fidelity International


Christopher Minck

EMEA Head of Systematic Execution


Martin Hendry

Deputy Head of Trading
Liontrust Asset Management

Buy Side Only Think Tanks

10:00 am - 10:30 am Talent: How can you adjust your hiring and training processes to future-proof your team with the newest skill sets needed to excel in today's markets?
Mike Poole - Head of Trading, Jupiter Asset Management

Mike Poole

Head of Trading
Jupiter Asset Management

10:00 am - 10:30 am Data foundations: How can you develop and expand a strong data strategy to maximise the value from your datasets and enhance trading decisions?
Tobias Stein - Head of Fixed Income & Trading, Quoniam Asset Management

Tobias Stein

Head of Fixed Income & Trading
Quoniam Asset Management

10:30 am - 11:30 am Coffee Break

10:30 am - 11:00 am 1-2-1 MEETINGS: Private business meetings for you to benchmark solution providers

11:00 am - 11:30 am 1-2-1 MEETINGS: Private business meetings for you to benchmark solution providers

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Panel Discussion: Assessing the evolving liquidity landscape: How can you best access alternative liquidity pools and integrate them into your existing workflow to drive trade performance?

Karim Awenat - Head of EMEA and APAC Macro Trading, Invesco Chetna Mistry - Senior Trader & Head of Portfolio Operations, Western Asset Management Co Ltd

Karim Awenat

Head of EMEA and APAC Macro Trading


Chetna Mistry

Senior Trader & Head of Portfolio Operations
Western Asset Management Co Ltd

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm 1-2-1 MEETINGS: Private business meetings for you to benchmark solution providers

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm WORKSHOP: Unlocking the latest opportunities in FI derivatives trading

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm WORKSHOP: Sustainable investing in fixed income: Strategies for driving positive impact

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Panel Discussion: Fixed Income Electronification: How is the evolution of buy side-sell side relationships impacting cost management, and the integration of innovative technologies for mutual benefit?

Marcel Schnellmann - Head of Fixed Income and FX Execution, Zurich Kantonal Bank Kerry Barr - Director, Head of EMEA EM FI Trading, BlackRock  Elina Asimakopoulou - Senior Cross Asset Execution Trader, Société Générale Luxembourg

Marcel Schnellmann

Head of Fixed Income and FX Execution
Zurich Kantonal Bank


Kerry Barr

Director, Head of EMEA EM FI Trading


Elina Asimakopoulou

Senior Cross Asset Execution Trader
Société Générale Luxembourg

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm Case Study Presentation: Optimizing fixed income trading: How to leverage algos, data transformation, and platform protocols in low-touch EMS

Odin Costa - Senior FI Trader, Dimensional Fund Advisors

Odin Costa

Senior FI Trader
Dimensional Fund Advisors

Buy Side Only Think Tanks

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm ETFs: What trends are we seeing in terms of product innovation, and are the main considerations for trading desks?

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm Trader and Portfolio Manager collaboration: How can you synergize efforts between trading and investment functions to achieve best execution for clients?
Valerie Miles - Director of European Credit Trading, Loomis Sayles & Co

Valerie Miles

Director of European Credit Trading
Loomis Sayles & Co

2:50 pm - 3:50 pm Coffee Break

2:50 pm - 3:20 pm 1-2-1 MEETINGS: Private business meetings for you to benchmark solution providers

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm 1-2-1 MEETINGS: Private business meetings for you to benchmark solution providers

Disrupting Fixed Income

3:50 pm - 4:20 pm Fireside chat: Emerging tech trends: Which innovative FinTech solutions are set to revolutionise trading strategies and how can you prepare your desk to benefit?

Mark Stacey - Head of Process Automation, Balyasny Asset Management Oskar Wantola - Head of Execution Technology, Man Group

Mark Stacey

Head of Process Automation
Balyasny Asset Management


Oskar Wantola

Head of Execution Technology
Man Group

Buy Side Only Think Tanks

4:20 pm - 5:00 pm Desk structures: Amid blurred lines, decreasing headcounts, and the merging of desks, what constitutes the optimal structure for your trading team?

4:20 pm - 5:00 pm Protocols: How do these new protocols alter the landscape of accessing fragmented liquidity across various fixed income products?
Tabea Handrick - Senior Trader Fixed Income, MEAG

Tabea Handrick

Senior Trader Fixed Income

5:00 pm - 5:05 pm End of FILS Connect Europe Day 1

5:05 pm - 7:00 pm Networking Drinks Reception

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Networking Dinner

Elevate your experience at the exclusive Networking Dinner. Mingle with industry leaders, exchange insights, and build lasting relationships in an intimate setting. Don't miss this prime opportunity to connect over a three-course seated dinner & pre-dinner drinks reception. Reserve your seat today!