Fixed Income Leaders Europe Connect

13 - 14 March, 2025

Hilton London Syon Park

Luis Carvalho

Chief Investment Officer Credito Agricola Gest

As Head of Investments, Luis actively contributes on the formulation of the company's Investment Policy at the Investment Committee at Credito Agricola Gest. Luis is responsible to set up the strategy to implement the Investment Policy in order to maximize returns assuring that all portfolio managers do comply with the risk limits and guidelines defined by the Committee. He closely work with the Institutional Clients department giving market insights to help drawing the Investment Policy and the development of new products for institutional clients: insurance portfolios and pension funds. With European Quantative Easing coming into force in early 2015, Luis will be providing the prose and cons of the new monetary policy, as well as providing insights on how you can reduce the impact of European QE.

Day 2 | 14th March

9:10 AM Panel Discussion: Navigating market complexity: Which investment strategies can you implement to navigate risks and access alternative alpha opportunities?

  • How can you best factor in geopolitical risks and Eurozone investor impact on your portfolio? 
  • How can you anticipate headline risks and monitor developments that could affect overall economic stability and adjust your exposure accordingly?  
  • How can you best understand CPI reversal risks and how they could disrupt the European Central Bank's easing path? 
  • How can you best manage debt exposure and exercise caution with high-yield and emerging market debt while focusing on more secure options like sovereign debt?  
  • How can you explore unconventional hedges to counteract geopolitical risks? 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Luis.

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